43 Life Events That May Affect Your Taxes and Accounting

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43 Life Events That May Affect Your Taxes and Accounting

Your tax professional will ask you about what’s happening in your life, whether in the form of an interview, intake form, or annual tax organizer. Please know they are not being overly nosy! They need to know when life events occur because they often make a difference in how much tax you pay.

It’s usually to your benefit to be forthcoming about major milestones as well as many other activities going on in your life. Tax and accounting experts can find all sorts of tax credits, deductions, and recordkeeping requirements to apply to your situation once you’ve let them know about your life changes. 

Here are 43 life events to consider letting your tax preparer and accounting professional in on. In some cases, the initial documents that you need to send them are listed, and they may have a follow-up list for you once they know which event has occurred. They may even want to see the photos!

5 Tips to Spice Up Working from Home

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5 Tips to Spice up Working from Home

5 Tips to Spice Up Working from Home

We’ve been in a pandemic for what seems like five years now, right? All joking aside, if you’ve been lucky enough to work from home this past year, then it’s possible that you are in the process of going stir-crazy. Or maybe you’re simply ready to shake things up a bit.

Working from home has its benefits. Yet, if you are someone who enjoys going to the office every day, chatting with co-workers in person, attending meetings that aren’t all virtual, and having a little spontaneity each week, then we’re here to help. Here are five tips to boost your WFH (working from home) environment.

Seven Essential To-Do’s When You Get a New Customer

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Seven Essential To-Do’s When You Get a New Customer

Seven Essential To-Do’s When You Get a New Customer

Congratulations, you've landed a new customer! Or, perhaps you prefer the term “client.” Either way, you should be excited; in this particular climate, sparking fresh interest in any kind of business can be challenging. Yet, you did it, and now comes the next part: What to do after you have officially landed that customer/client.

Mid Year Review

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Mid Year Review

Mid-Year Review

Can you believe that over half of 2020 is gone already? That means it’s a great time to take stock of how your business has done for the first half of 2020 so that you can meet your financial goals for the entire year. 

18 Small Business Opportunities in 2020

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Small Business Opportunities

18 Small Business Opportunities in 2020

Deciding on the kind of business you want to start is a very big decision. Some require specialized skills that either the owner or employees will need. Others require a substantial initial capital outlay. In any case, it’s always a good idea to consider the health of the industry you’ll be entering in. 

While we are not giving any kind of investment advice in this article, we thought it’d be fun to list the business ideas that will be recession-proof in 2020, many of which were also fast-growing in 2019. They are not in any particular order.  

3 Essential Metrics for a Smarter Marketing Spend

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3 Essential Metrics for a Smarter Marketing Spend

3 Essential Metrics for a Smarter Marketing Spend

The only way to get smarter about how to invest your marketing dollars is to document and measure what’s happening now in your business.  What you’ve measured, you can then improve. 

Cool Tech Tools: Apps that Get You Places

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Cool Tech Tools: Apps that Get You Places

Cool Tech Tools: Apps that Get You Places  

If you’re unlucky enough to have a car without GPS navigation maps, the next best thing to use is your smartphone. This article will take a look at apps that help to get you from point A to point B. 

5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Accounting System

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Accounting System Upgrade

5 Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Accounting System

To maximize profits in your business, all of your business functions need to run smoothly, including your accounting department. Your accounting system is at the core of your accounting function. If it is old or lacks the features you need, your business may suffer.  Here are five warning signs you can look for to determine if it’s time to upgrade or replace your current accounting system with something more cost-effective. 

How Business Owners Get Paid

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How Business Owners Get Paid

How Business Owners Get Paid

At first glance, this article topic might seem too simple.  After all, to get paid, don’t you just take money out of your business?  Well, yes, but there is much more to it in the long run as well as from an accounting side.  Let’s take a look. 

How to Work from Home More Often

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Work From Home

How to Work from Home More Often

If you agree that “there’s no place like home,” then you may also have a wish to work from home more often. In many cases, you can, and here are some tools you need to get started. 


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